Serving Woodstock Firefighters and the Community for over 100 Years

Woodstock firefighters have dedicated themselves to community services’ highest calling. They are ready on a moment’s notice to rush into harm's way to save the lives and property of fellow citizens. Whether through their continuous training and emergency response, compassion in the event of a crisis, or lending a hand at a community event, they are always there.

For over 100 years we have:

  • Provided help socially, financially and spiritually to those unfortunate sick and injured firefighters and their families.

  • Assisted firefighter families in case of injury or death.

  • Raised funds to purchase and maintain important safety equipment for Woodstock Emergency Services.

  • Helped with community events such as community picnics, parades, education events, and more.

  • Provided members with dress uniforms for parades, funerals and other important events.

  • Restored and maintain Woodstock's first fire engine, a 1923 Maxim, keeping Woodstock's history alive for generations to come.

  • Purchase and place grave markers for deceased firefighters.

  • Promoted fellowship among firefighters in all times, good and bad.


The Woodstock Firefighters’ Relief Association, which now includes the Woodstock ambulance association, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, has been there for firefighters, their families, and the entire Woodstock community. Tax deductible donations gratefully accepted. To give by mail, please send check payable to Woodstock Firefighters' Relief Association, to:

Woodstock Fire/EMS
454 Woodstock Road
Woodstock, Vermont 05091

Board of Directors

President - Mark Harris
Vice President - Keith Anderson
Treasurer - Andrew Hubbell
Secretary - Scott Noble
Board Member - Ward Goodenough

1923 Maxim fire engine

1923 Maxim fire engine