Woodstock EMS 2017 Awards
/Woodstock EMS held their annual Holiday party and awards ceremony. The EMS division is a very deciated group of people who continually give their time to the community. Christmas weekend was a good example. It was an extremely busy time for EMS and the on-duty crews, who would rather be home with family, were busy responding to the 15 EMS calls during the weekend.
With that in mind, Woodstock EMS recognized the following people for their incredible work:
Irene 2011 Service Recognition: Lisa Linton, Allison Wade, Bill Luth, Chip Kendall, Jennifer Hutchins, Sari White, Mary Oldenburg, Joe Swanson, and Mike Willis for outstanding service to the Woodstock Community during Hurricane Irene in 2011.
Woodstock Ambulance Service Awards: Mike Willis, 10 years. Joe Duane, Mark Donka and Dayna Astbury 5 years.
Certificate of Appreciation: Jen Hutchins For outstanding Community Service as an AEMT and continued dedication to her crew and the community.
Certificate of Commendation: Allison Wade For outstanding job performance under adverse circumstances.
Life Savers: Lisa Linton, Erin O'Connor, Bill Luth, Remy Bacaicoa and Allison Wade Have been recognized for outstanding achievement in efforts to resuscitate a patient and providing care to enable their patient to return home with a full recovery.
Valor: Sari White, Jen Hutchins and Jim Armbruster For their determination to provide excellent priority patient care in hazardous conditions. They went above and beyond the expectations of care in hazardous scene conditions.
Honor/EMT of The Year 2017: Joshua Linton For dedication and consistent year-long devotion to duty beyond the standard of performance.
If you know Bill Luth and you happen to see him ask him about his special award! Thanks again to everyone that volunteers their time for the community at Woodstock FIre/EMS.
Honor/EMT of The Year 2017: Joshua Linton For dedication and consistent year-long devotion to duty beyond the standard of performance.