Woodstock Emergency Services Seeking Building Remodel and Addition
/The Town of Woodstock Emergency Services has completed and assessment for remodeling the current building and constructing a new addition behind the existing structure. The current building needs to be upgraded due to the growing needs of emergency services and necessary maintenance. The project will address the severe lack of storage, inadequate workspaces, and health and fire safety issues that plague the current building. The remodel of the existing building will reconfigure the main part of the building for Police and dispatching services. The new addition will house fire trucks due to the loss of the existing building space remodel and the new second floor will be for offices and sleeping quarters for Fire and Emergency Medical Services.
Public tours of the Emergency Services building with a presentation of project plans will be held on January 10th at 5:30 -8:30 PM and on January 11th from 10:00 – 1:15 PM